Everyday Habits That Harm Our Health

Asmi SEO
6 min readJun 8, 2021

The list of bad habits we will devour seems to be never-ending: smoking, drinking to excess, not eating right, not getting enough exercise, not wearing our seatbelts, then on and on. and therefore the advice to quit these bad habits also seems to be never-ending as well — usually coming from all sides: recommendations from updated clinical guidelines, new evidence-based research, your physician partner, a member of your staff, or maybe your spouse.

But, did you recognize that there are even more bad habits that would be bad for your health? And these are everyday, seemingly benign, trivial habits that we probably never even considered as being unhealthy. Here may be a list of such habits that would be harmful to your health.

Keeping your wallet in your back pocket

Anyone who carries a wallet knows that the foremost convenient place to stay it’s within the back pocket of your jeans. But, while which will be convenient, it isn’t healthy. Assembling on your wallet even for a sharp 15-minute period can produce your spine to shift and your spinal ligaments will start to vary.

This will eventually create an asymmetry that will disrupt your spine’s normal alignment. Assembling your wallet for a long duration can produce chronic back pain, sciatica, and functional scoliosis.

Bringing electronics into bed with you

Recent studies have shown that using electronic devices before getting to bed steals our sleep and reduces our sleep quality.

Not only does regularly using electronic devices before bed hurt the standard of our sleep, but it also causes us to realize weight and provokes daytime fatigue. It also influences our productivity levels, learning capacities, and stress levels. Isolating yourself from electronic devices for a minimum of an hour before getting to bed can greatly improve your sleep quality and preserve your health.

Drinking from plastic bottles

It would be logical to assume that drinking from plastic bottles may be a safe and healthy thing to try to do. However, not all matters are equally safe and environmentally beneficial. Plastic bottles act as intimidation from the chemicals they release when exposed to high temperatures.

For example, if you allow the bottle in your car on a hot day, the superficial layers of the plastic may release a toxic chemical (bisphenol A) which may contaminate the water you’re drinking. This chemical can affect your system and increase your risk of endometriosis and carcinoma.

Consuming your food too quickly

Multiple studies have shown that eating fast and chewing your food too quickly can cause several health problems. Eating fast can cause putting on weight at an accelerated rate and may even increase your risk of heart condition, diabetes, and stroke.

Fast eaters also are more likely to overeat since it takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you begin eating for your brain to transmit signals of being full. So, you’ll be full and keep it up eating, but you’ll not realize it since your brain doesn’t have enough time to react and recognize that you simply are full.

Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

consistent with a study, cleaning your ears with cotton swabs pushes the earwax further down into the auditory meatus. It also can cause infections, perforated eardrums, impacted earwax, and tinnitus.

It is recommended that you simply leave the earwax alone, and let it fall out naturally. The earwax works sort of as a filter for the auditory meatus, preventing dust and dirt from getting into it. Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs makes the ears susceptible to pollution. Still, if you are feeling the necessity to wash your ears, cleaning them with a towel will suffice.

Sleeping an excessive amount of

Sleep may be a time when the body recuperates and repairs itself. you’d be wrong to assume that more sleep equals more rest and better health. Studies have proven that oversleeping brings with it several health hazards.

The right amount of sleep varies from one person to a different, but the overall benchmark of excellent sleep is somewhere between 7–9 hours. Consider this to be the optimal sleeping pattern. an excessive amount of sleep regularly has been linked to higher rates of mortality, depression, heart condition, obesity, and impaired brain functioning.

Brushing your teeth right after eating

Even though a number of us tend to brush our teeth right after eating, consistent with multiple studies, you ought to wait for a minimum of 30-minutes after you eat before brushing them. Our teeth are shielded by enamel, and acids produced by different foods can wear away this protective enamel, meaning that our teeth are at their thinnest state right after eating.

Thankfully, our bodies have how of balancing the high acid levels with the assistance of our saliva, but that takes time. So, brushing your teeth right after eating means you’re attacking your teeth, albeit you employ a soft toothbrush. It’s best to let the saliva do its job and balance the high acid levels before you sweep your teeth. the higher alternative would be to rinse your mouth with water or chew sugarless gum while you await your teeth to recuperate.

Sitting down all-day

When people work, study, and socialize, they often do these activities during a seated position. And sitting an excessive amount of brings with it several health problems that we shouldn’t ignore. Sitting doesn’t involve an immense energy expenditure, meaning that you simply don’t burn many calories while you’re in a seated position.

Washing your hands with the predicament

Many studies have proved that hot and cold water are fairly useful for killing germs and removing bacteria from our hands. consistent with these studies, whether it had been 38°C or 16°C, water temperature didn’t play an important role in reducing bacteria. Furthermore, it’s been proven that cold water is healthier for our hands than a predicament.

While it’s known that predicament kills bacteria, there’s a wrong perception of that. predicament doesn’t kill bacteria — scalding and nearly boiling water does, which is why medical instruments are boiled to be sterilized. as long as washing your hands with boiling water isn’t an option, using cold water is far and away from the higher alternative. Why? Because washing your hands with warm water will soften your skin, making your hands more susceptible to germs.



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