Most Common Causes Of Hair Loss

Asmi SEO
6 min readMar 11, 2021

Losing some hair every day is completely normal. But when you ARE losing a lot of hair, it can be hard to figure out what is causing the hair loss — especially in women.

Most of the time, hair loss is just a hint that your body is growing new, healthy ones to rebuild the old. Losing up to hundred hairs per day is completely normal. If you are not sure what is natural for you, it is a good idea to pay awareness to what you commonly see in your brush or shower drain. When all of an immediate your ponytail is thinner, you are watching more scalp. Then you may be falling more hair.

Concluding why you are suddenly missing more hair than usual can be complicated because there are many numerous causes of hair loss in women. Some, like hereditary hair loss, are not really in your control. But others, like friction alopecia or temporary hair shedding, can be organized or even reversed if snatched early. Some causes of hair loss in women result in immediate shedding. Others may become progressively additionally noticeable over time.


When the skin on the scalp is outraged and itchy, it is tempting to scrape it. But that may affect your hair to remove more than usual.

Dandruff is the most easily worked cause of hair loss because you can deal with it with over-the-counter products, like a shampoo comprising zinc pyrithione. So, it is significant to find a shampoo and conditioner you like sufficient to use regularly.

But other situations can also result in itchiness and scalp flaking. Dermatitis Attending these problems may take more time and struggle than dandruff, so it is significant to check in with a dermatologist if you believe you may be dealing with one of these situations.


With age, maximum people notice some hair loss because hair growth suspends. At some point, hair follicles stop accumulating hair, which results in the hair on our scalp thin. Hair also begins to miss its color. A woman’s hairline generally starts to fade.

Cancer treatment

If you attain chemotherapy or have radiation therapy to your head or neck, you may misplace all your hair within an unusual week of beginning treatment.


If you color, perm, or loosen your hair, you could be harming your hair. Over time, this destruction can dominate to hair loss. To establish a stylish hairdo, you can cause substantial damage and breakage to threads. Shampooing or blow-drying very frequently, continually using heated styling tools, snatching on hair — whether from blow-drying it or styling it in a too-tight ponytail, for example — or too actively rubbing the scalp can all dominate to hair loss.

Hormonal imbalance

A cause of this imbalance is polycystic ovary syndrome. It guides cysts on the ovary, along with other indications and symptoms, which can constitute hair loss. Avoiding some types of birth control pills can result in a temporary hormonal imbalance. Women who acquire a hormonal imbalance can expand reducing hair, or hair loss on their scalp.


An apparent side effect of some medications is hair loss. If you think a medicine results in your hair loss, ask the doctor who specified it if hair loss is a possible side effect. You must not stop taking the medication before discussing it with your doctor. Suddenly stopping some medication can induce severe health problems.

Pulling your hair

Some people pluck on their hair, often to reduce stress. They may be oblivious that they are pulling their hair. The medical phrase for this is trichotillomania.

Thyroid disease

If you have a crisis with your thyroid, you may see reducing hair. Some people hint that their hair comes out in clusters when they brush it.


Other hormonal imbalances can also direct hair loss, particularly the wildly fluctuating hormones that happen following pregnancy and childbirth. It takes time after pregnancy for hormone levels to refund to normal, so it is not at all unusual for post-partum moms to attention thinning hair or even patches of baldness. It frequently occurs about three months after the baby arrives. Do not worry — as the rest of your body recovers, so will your hair follicles. The hair loss is only interim — your hair will grow back.


Alopecia is the medical phrase for hair loss, and there are two major types. Alopecia may result in hair loss only on the scalp or all over the body. It may result in falling hair, patches of hair loss, some balding, or total baldness, and it may be lasting or temporary. There are various causes, including genetics. Discuss to your doctor about possible medications.


Several diseases and illnesses can direct to hair loss. An infection that results in a high fever, a fungal skin infection and bacterial infections like syphilis can all be credible for balding or thinning hair. Dealing with the underlying disease can rebuild hair growth and stave off future hair loss. So your first step is to seek medical awareness for the primary health problem.

Vitamin deficiency

Creating and maintaining healthy hair depends on getting solid nutrition. Deficiencies in iron, zinc, vitamin B3, and protein are associated with various types of hair loss.

Treating a nutritional weakness usually starts with a chat with your doctor and a blood test to accurately analyze your issue. Then your doctor may deal with your deficiency with medication complements.


When we think of genetic hair loss, we usually go straight to male habit baldness. But people of all genders are vulnerable to hereditary hair loss. In women, the hair loss reduces, while it is more likely to involve men along the hairline.

Although you can not avoid this type of hair loss, there are therapies available — that can hinder it and make hair stay fuller longer. So the quicker you start treatment, the better.

Birth control

Going off hormonal birth control or shifting to a different type of hormonal contraception can also result in hormone-induced shedding. Whether you’re only starting it, postponing it, or changing brands, your body can respond by resulting in the hair going into an increased shedding mode.

You can depend on styling tricks while you wait for your hair to recover its completeness.



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